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How can I find information on lobbying activities?


Understanding Lobbying Activities: A Comprehensive Guide

Lobbying is a term used to describe the act of attempting to influence decisions made by government officials or elected representatives. Lobbying activities can range from simple communication with officials to complex efforts involving large groups of people and significant amounts of money. If you are interested in learning more about lobbying activities, there are several resources available that can help you understand the process and provide you with information on specific lobbying efforts.

What is Lobbying?

Lobbying is a process that involves attempting to influence the decisions made by government officials or elected representatives. Lobbyists can be individuals, groups, or organizations that seek to promote their interests by influencing the political process. Lobbying activities can include everything from contacting government officials directly to organizing public events and campaigns to promote a particular issue or cause.

Who are Lobbyists?

Lobbyists are individuals or organizations that are hired or volunteer to influence policy decisions made by government officials. They can work for corporations, labor unions, non-profit organizations, and other groups that have a vested interest in a particular issue. Lobbyists typically have a deep understanding of the political process and use this knowledge to advocate for their clients’ interests.

Why is Lobbying Important?

Lobbying is an important part of the political process because it allows individuals and organizations to have a voice in government decision-making. By advocating for their interests, lobbyists can influence policy decisions that can have a significant impact on their clients’ businesses or causes. Lobbying also helps to ensure that different perspectives and viewpoints are considered in the decision-making process, which can lead to better policy outcomes.

Accessing Information on Lobbying Activities

Once you have a basic understanding of lobbying activities, you may be interested in learning more about specific lobbying efforts. There are several resources available that can help you access information on lobbying activities, including government websites, non-profit organizations, media outlets, and of course – LobbyingData.com.

Government Websites

Many government websites, including the websites of the House of Representatives and the Senate, provide information on lobbying activities. You can access lobbying disclosure reports, which are filed by lobbyists and lobbying firms, and search by lobbyist name, client name, or issue area. This information can provide valuable insights into who is lobbying on a particular issue and how much money is being spent on lobbying efforts.

Non-Profit Organizations

There are several non-profit organizations that focus on promoting transparency and accountability in government. These organizations, such as the Center for Responsive Politics and OpenSecrets.org, provide information on lobbying activities and campaign finance. They also publish reports and analyses that can help you understand the impact of lobbying on policy decisions.

Media Outlets

Media outlets, including newspapers and online news sites, often cover lobbying activities and the impact of lobbying on policy decisions. These sources can provide in-depth reporting on specific lobbying efforts and the influence of lobbyists on government decision-making. They can also provide different perspectives on lobbying, which can be helpful in understanding the complexities of the process.

In conclusion, understanding lobbying activities and accessing information on specific lobbying efforts is an important part of participating in the political process. By using the resources available to you, you can gain a better understanding of the impact that lobbying can have on policy decisions and advocate for your own interests. Whether you are a concerned citizen, a business owner, or a member of a non-profit organization, learning about lobbying activities can help you make informed decisions and have a voice in the political process.


We created LobbyingData.com to address the need for more transparent and accessible information into the world of lobbying. Many people know that companies like Google, Pfizer, and Lockheed are lobbying the federal government, but few know the extent to what is happening. How much are they spending on it? Which agencies are they targeting? and most importantly, what bills are they lobbying on, and why? We answer all of these questions by transforming difficult to understand government information into easy-to-understand and actionable datasets and information.

Our data makes it easy to see, both on a real-time and 24 year historical basis:

  1. Every entity that has ever lobbied the federal government.
  2. The dollar amount they spend on it
  3. The names and prior government experience of the exact lobbyists they hired
  4. And most importantly, why: the exact bills and specific issues lobbied on.

We’ve mapped out every entity involved in lobbying across time, from 1999 to present, and to their ticker symbols so you can easily gain insight from money in politics, whether its another variable in your research, a new input for your models, or another layer in your due diligence.

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