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Political Influence Datasets: The Ultimate Tool for Advocacy Groups and Researchers


Political influence datasets are a vital tool for advocacy groups and researchers who want to understand the power dynamics in politics. These datasets provide valuable information on campaign finance, lobbying, and other political activities. The data can be used to analyze trends in political spending or to identify the most influential individuals and groups in a particular area. In this article, we will explore what political influence datasets are and how advocacy groups and researchers can benefit from them.

Political Influence Datasets: What Are They?

Political influence datasets are collections of information that track political activities. These datasets include information on campaign finance, lobbying, and other political activities. They are created by organizations that monitor political activities, such as the Center for Responsive Politics, the Sunlight Foundation, and the National Institute on Money in Politics. Political influence datasets are typically publicly available and are often used by journalists, advocacy groups, and researchers to analyze and understand the role of money in politics.

How Advocacy Groups and Researchers Can Benefit from Them

Advocacy groups and researchers can benefit greatly from political influence datasets. They can use these datasets to analyze the role of money in politics and to identify the most influential individuals and groups in a particular area. For example, an advocacy group may use a political influence dataset to identify the top contributors to a particular candidate or political party. This information can then be used to develop a targeted outreach strategy or to lobby for legislative change.

Researchers can also benefit from political influence datasets. They can use these datasets to study trends in political spending over time or to analyze the effectiveness of different lobbying strategies. For example, a researcher may use a political influence dataset to examine the impact of a particular lobbying campaign on the voting behavior of lawmakers. This information can then be used to develop more effective lobbying strategies in the future.

Political influence datasets are an essential tool for advocacy groups and researchers who want to understand the role of money in politics. These datasets provide valuable information on campaign finance, lobbying, and other political activities. By analyzing these datasets, advocacy groups and researchers can identify the most influential individuals and groups in a particular area and develop targeted outreach strategies or lobbying campaigns. Researchers can also use political influence datasets to study trends in political spending and to analyze the effectiveness of different lobbying strategies. Overall, political influence datasets are a powerful tool for those who want to influence politics and promote change.

LobbyingData.com’s Data and Insights

We created LobbyingData.com to address the need for more transparent and accessible information into the world of lobbying. Many people know that companies like Google, Pfizer, and Lockheed are lobbying the federal government, but few know the extent to what is happening. How much are they spending on it? Which agencies are they targeting? and most importantly, what bills are they lobbying on, and why?

We answer all of these questions by transforming difficult to understand government information into easy-to-understand and actionable datasets and information.

Our data makes it easy to see, both on a real-time and 24 year historical basis:

  1. Every entity that has ever lobbied the federal government.
  2. The dollar amount they spend on it
  3. The names and prior government experience of the exact lobbyists they hired
  4. And most importantly, why: the exact bills and specific issues lobbied on.

We’ve mapped out every entity involved in lobbying across time, from 1999 to present, and to their ticker symbols so you can easily gain insight from money in politics, whether its another variable in your research, a new input for your models, or another layer in your due diligence.

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